Red Sea underwater videos Egypt

The Red Sea in Egypt is one of our favorite scuba diving destinations. A few hours of flight and you are in a tropical sea with beautiful corals and fish, niece beaches and interesting places for trips. Here began our fascination with tropical reefs, life on them, fascination with freedom during scuba diving and incredible relaxation in the deep blue sea.

Here we started with the exploring of beautiful underwater landscape, with scuba diving on the corals, with the sea turtles and school of fish. In the Red Sea we also took our first proper underwater photos and videos, being together on the wonderful dives. We happened to come across some beautiful and interesting underwater videos from various Red Sea diving sites on youtube and decided to share them for viewing on this page.

These videos are from a variety of authors, from professionals to beginners. They are filmed using various techniques, from action cameras throught mirrorless to video cameras. The videos perfectly show how wonderful scuba diving is.

Some videos were shot only in natural light, some with video lights. Some authors used red filters and other accessories.

Marsa Alam - Elphinstone reef

Red Sea paradise

Marsa Alam

Wadi Lahami

Marsa Shagra

Marsa Nakari

Norht wrecks and Tiran

Brothers - Daedalus - Elphinstone

Best of the Red Sea

Lighthouses reefs

Deep south

Thistlegorm wreck



Xiaomi action camera in the Red Sea

Sharm El Sheikh



Best of the Red Sea, from Sharm to Marsa

Marsa Alam

SS Thistlegorm

Night diving, Dolphin House

Omneia Soul and El Queseir

Peter a Kate