Scuba diving Philippines

Camera: Canon Powershot G11
Coral detail Coral reef and fish Blue starfish on the reef Coral detail Sea turtle and reef Coral detail Reef and sun Fish and coral reef Shallow water and reef Anemonefish Starfish and reef Fish and reef Big corals in shallow sea Anemonefish Corals Turtle swimming over the reef Sea turtle and sun rays Coral and fish Coral and fish Big corals in shallow sea Shallow sea and reef Shallow sea and reef Moorish idol Fish and corals Coral wall with sea lily Nudibranch (Chromodoris quadricolor) Sea lily and corals Pair of Moorish idol on the reef Hawkfish Anemonefish Anemonefish Coral reef wall Starfish Nudibranch Reef in the shallow water Sea lily Small fish on the reef Coral detail Moorish idol Nudibranch Hermit crab Coral reef